All EU customers will get the shipment directly shipped from our warehouse based in Poland. We charge an extra €49 towards delivery (the rest we match on your behalf)! The shipping fee to be paid at the time of shipping the bike (when your e-bike carton is ready for shipping).
We do not want to impose additional cost to our international customers. Import taxes and VAT are already included in the price of GIN X electric bike.
For our customers the shipping fee is very nominal as we partially contribute the shipping fee, on your behalf, to keep your overall price as low as possible!
We try our best to ship out every shipment within 48 -72 hours of your product payment being received, provided the bikes are in stock. There are times when the bikes are not in stock due to the delays owing to the shipping of international vessels; we urge you to double confirm with us before purchasing your bikes. Once, the item is shipped out to you you should receive a confirmation email. We also confirm with you before shipping the bike to find out your availability.
Please NOTE that any cancellations or refunds (after placing the order) do not include the payment commission charged at the time of placing the order (usually it is around 2.9% of the processed amount for EU buyers and 1.9% for the UK based buyers). Payment charges are always subtracted from the cancellations or refunds made.
At any point you need assistance please feel free to call us at 0333 270 0229. We are more than happy to address any query for you.
We believe that your relationship with us just does not end once you have purchased an item with us, in fact it becomes stronger and stronger with every day that passes! We like to think that you would be our repeat customer for other products too and hence, relationship counts a lot to us.